hashpack wallet (best hbar wallet)

hashpack wallet (best hbar wallet)

In this article I discuss the reasons why I believe the Hashpack wallet is the best HBAR wallet. I discuss hardware wallets and software wallets & provide my analysis for each.

Did you know that Hedera is going carbon negative worldwide?

Did you also know that Hedera is owned and governed by the world’s leading organizations?

Hedera is the most used enterprise-grade public network for you to make your digital world exactly as it should be – yours. HBAR is the native, energy-efficient cryptocurrency of Hedera that powers the decentralized economy. Whether you're a startup or enterprise, a creator or consumer, Hedera goes beyond blockchain for developers to create the next era of fast, fair, and secure applications.

Touting itself as protecting our ecosystem - Many Hedera Governing Council members and independent application developers alike are choosing the Hedera network as their public ledger of choice for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) application use cases. The Hedera network combines sustainable energy consumption, high throughput, low fees, and stable, decentralized governance to deliver an unmatched experience for companies and projects looking to participate in the space.

There are fundamental differences that make one wallet more appealing than the other, and it all depends on your security, utility, and convenience goals. Some investors may be long-term HODLERs looking for the safest way possible to store their HBAR. Other investors may actively trade, purchase NFTs in the hedera ecosystem, and use DeFi protcols.

In this article, I’ll compare Ledger Pro vs. Hashpack Wallet to help you decide which is the best HBAR wallet and why Hashpack gives you the best of both worlds!

Let’s get right into it.





































$HBAR 〰️ $XRP 〰️ $BTC 〰️ $ETH 〰️ $USDC 〰️ $ADA 〰️ $SOL 〰️ $DOGE 〰️ $MATIC 〰️ $DOT 〰️ $BNB 〰️ $FTM 〰️ $DAG 〰️ $GRT 〰️ $XDC 〰️ $LTC 〰️ $API3 〰️ $AVAX 〰️



hbar on ledger

A crypto wallet is an interface that lets you interact with your blockchain assets and keeps them safe.

The type of wallet you’re using impacts how much control you have – and how secure those assets are.

Crypto wallets are broadly classified as hot wallets and cold wallets. Hot wallets store the keys to your cryptocurrencies on an internet-connected application while cold wallets keep them offline, disconnected from the internet.

You may also be using an exchange wallet – which is simple to use, but doesn’t give you any control of the private keys, meaning your assets aren’t truly yours.

Since the highly publicized recent downfall of Sam Bankman-Fried (“SBF”) and the centralized FTX exchange (See $FTT) the necessity of cryptocurrency and digital asset holders understanding operational and cybersecurity with their digital assets is now more important than ever.

Investors are attracted to this innovative sector for a number of reasons: autonomy, decentralization, investment, speculation, entertainment, trading, etc.

However, since this sector is not yet adequately regulated in the U.S. there are exposed vulnerabilities for bad actors and financial predators to exploit such as SBF and his now bankrupt FTX exchange.

The downfall of SBF and FTX, which I will discuss in another blog post, was not a crypto problem.

It was a centralized exchange problem, which is a feature of traditional finance (i.e., TradFi).

Tradfi uses centralized exchanges where one legal entity or individual(s) control everything. That was FTX and its controller was SBF.

SBF used customer funds fraudulently because he had access to customer funds in an unregulated industry sector with apparently zero oversight by our regulatory agencies sworn to protect retail investors from financial crimes and harm.

People who had money and crypto stored on the FTX exchange did not have true custody because it was controlled by a group of people.

This is the opposite intent of what bitcoin and crypto are supposed to achieve in regard to the democratization of finance for Planet Earth.

Here are a few key considerations when it comes to the importance of putting your HBAR (and all of your crypto) on wallets like a Ledger:

  • Blockchain is a digital ledger that keeps track of value. And it hosts your crypto. Within this network, the thing that ties you to your specific, owned crypto is something called private key.

  • This private key corresponds to your address within the blockchain, and gives you control of that address and the value stored there, and spend or exchange it when you want. So your private key is a bit like the key to your secret safe.

  • For obvious reasons, it needs to be kept secure and never shared with anyone. This is where a crypto wallet comes in.

  • Despite the name, a crypto wallet does not contain your coins or tokens – those are always on the blockchain. Rather, its purpose (in crypto) is to secure your all-important private keys that allow you to access your blockchain address, and everything stored there.

  • The wallet also acts as a sort of control panel, showing you exactly how much crypto you have, and allowing you to communicate with the blockchain to send or interact with that value.

  • You might say that your crypto wallet is the bridge between you and your crypto funds on the blockchain.

If you actively trade cryptocurrencies, you may want to store a part of your crypto funds on an exchange wallet (NOT RECOMMENDED FOR LARGE AMOUNTS DO AT YOUR OWN RISK).

However, if you are holding one or more cryptocurrencies for the long-term, you should store your funds in a cold wallet for safety and ownership.

wallets for altcoins?

From an investing perspective, there are various forms of cryptocurrency and digital assets that you can purchase.

You can buy cryptocurrency like $HBAR, a non-fungible token (i.e., NFT) like a BoredApe, or another digital asset such as a layer-2 $MATIC (i.e., Polygon).

Ledger supports a variety of assets: From BTC to XTZ. You can see the long list of supported digital assets Ledger supports on their hardware cold wallets HERE!

ledger pro?

If you actively trade cryptocurrencies, you may want to store a part of your crypto funds on an exchange wallet.

However, if you are holding one or more cryptocurrencies for the long-term, you should prefer to store your funds in a cold wallet for safety and ownership.

If you want the speed and flexibility of hot wallets and the security of cold hardware wallets, Ledger can be your best choice: the most trusted hardware wallet on the market combined with Ledger Live, a software that enables you to easily manage your assets from your desktop or mobile. Ledger is used as a gateway to all your crypto needs, safely.

hashpack wallet

HashPack was developed by an international team of hedera community members and professionals with decades of experience. Since its launch, HashPack has made waves in the community as a leading Hedera wallet.

HashPack approaches user experience as seriously as application security, community involvement, or new feature development. From vision to reality, HashPack is simple, secure, and stylish.

What makes the Hashpack Wallet the best HBAR wallet? What makes the Hashpack Wallet the best of both worlds?

  • Hashpack is non-custodial: Your data is securely encrypted. HashPack never has access to your funds.

  • LEDGER SUPPORT! HashPack integrates seamlessly and securely with your Ledger!

  • Biometric Security: Protect your assets with face or fingerprint authentication on your device.

  • No need to buy $HBAR on a dangerous centralized exchange: Purchase HBAR and USDC directly in HashPack with Banxa or MoonPay.

  • Efficient Address Book: Conveniently save addresses to your wallet so you only have to enter them once.

  • Multiple Wallet Feature: Add multiple accounts on your device. Switch accounts in seconds.

Who are Hashpack’s partners to give some degree of credibility?

  • Ledger Works: Mirror Node Infrastructure provided by Ledgerworks.

  • The HBAR Foundation: Proudly funded by The HBAR Foundation

  • Saucerswap: Price oracle information powered by SaucerSwap

  • BANXA: Fiat on-ramp and off-ramp provided by Banxa


In the crypto world, native tokens such as hbar are associated with a public and private key pair.

The private key is the most important and most sensitive piece of information related to the account. The private key can also be calculated from a list of words, typically 12 or 24 words, referred to as a mnemonic or a seed phrase.

This makes the key pair easier to recover and easier to store outside of a computer. Bitcoin introduced this concept in an improvement proposal and many other networks have adopted this technique2.

The private key/seed phrase is so important because it's required in order to send funds from a user's account. Whoever has access to this key has control over the account's tokens and NFTs.

On most networks, the public key is also the account address. That currently isn't the case with Hedera Hashgraph. Generally speaking, Hedera accounts have a private/public key pair and an account ID. This account ID is in the format of 0.0.123456, where the first 0 is a shard number, the second 0 is a realm number and 123456 is the account number3.

The shard and realm numbers are all currently zero, but the long term plan is for Hedera to have different shards and realms as the network grows.

As for how this works on Hedera, if a user wanted to send funds to another user, the process for a transaction would look like this:

1. User A wants to send User B 100 hbar

2. A transaction is created that subtracts 100 hbar from User A's balance and adds it to User B's balance

3. The user account sending the hbar signs the transaction with their private key and submits it to the network for processing

As demonstrated above, the process of sending hbar from one user to another requires an account ID and a signature with a private key.

A wallet is the piece of software that allows the user to see their balances and interact with the network. HashPack is a noncustodial wallet, meaning you have total control over your keys.

In the example of an hbar transaction above, the private key is only used to sign the transaction. The key never leaves the device and HashPack has no way of obtaining a user's key.

Instead, signed transactions are submitted to the network and a private key cannot be extracted from a signed transaction.

There will never be a situation where ANYONE will need to synchronize your HashPack or somehow repair it because the network processes the transactions and HashPack is non custodial.

No one has any reason to ask you to go to a website and enter sensitive data related to your wallet. There will never be a situation where anyone needs your private key or seed phrase. This is essentially handing a stranger the key to your locker or bank vault.

AVOID SCAMMERS by understanding the key features of self-custody described above.

Matching The Investor To The wallet

Here are a few critical criteria to consider.

Who Is A hot wallet For?

Hot wallets or online wallets are a type of software that exists digitally, and secures your private keys within its interface. Since they are software-based and exist on your device (be that a computer or phone), they are always automatically connected to both the internet and the blockchain at all times. This makes them very convenient, because you the user simply need to log-in and you can easily begin interacting with online applications via the wallet interface on your computer. Easy, fast, convenient. But with that simplicity and convenience brings very serious risks:

  • When you use a hot wallet, your private keys to access your cryptocurrencies are stored on an internet-connected application – this is dangerous because the most common way scammers and fraudsters access your valuable cryptocurrency is by deploying hacks via your internet connection to access your private keys.

  • Having a hot wallet might be easy, but it actually does not perform the key function of a cryptocurrency wallet, which is keeping your assets safe as possible in our ever increasing digital world.

  • Hot web wallets are the least secure, though all crypto hot wallets are vulnerable to online attacks. Exchange wallets are custodial, which means that instead of trusting YOU with your own private key, the exchange itself holds it on your behalf. Instead, what you’ll get is login credentials for the platform and this is how you’ll access your wallet.

  • So why would anyone use this? Well, hot wallets do provide utility. A benefit to hot wallets is ease-of-use. Because they are always online, there’s no need to transition between offline and online to make a cryptocurrency transaction. For example, many people use mobile hot wallets to trade or make purchases with cryptocurrency. To do so with a cold wallet like a ledger would be inconvenient. You would need to find a device (typically a computer) in which to plug your cold wallet, then move the requisite amount of cryptocurrency to a hot wallet, and then make your purchase.

Who Is a hardware wallet For?

While hot wallets help you instantly transact using your cryptocurrencies, it’s not necessary nor recommended that keep all your funds connected to the internet.

  • A hardware wallet is a device that stores the private keys to your cryptocurrency funds in a more secure manner, away from the internet. Even if you make transactions from it, the wallet confirms the transactions in an offline environment. This process helps keep your private keys away from the risks of the internet at all times.

  • All hardware wallets are non-custodial wallets, i.e., you are the only one who owns access to your private keys and funds. Thus, when you use one, you own the private keys associated to your cryptocurrencies. If you take crypto security seriously and understand the novel risks faced by this type of asset, you’ll know that this type of storage is the only truly safe option.

  • Ledger wallets give you full control of your funds and keeping your keys offline, Ledger hardware wallets secure your keys using a chip called Secure Element (SE) – a component used in a variety of secure environments such as credit cards, passports and payment systems, and is renowned for bringing the highest level of security to any system where sensitive data is managed.

  • This means that, beyond keeping your private key offline and away from hackers, the Ledger device itself is also completely impenetrable from external threats, thanks to the state of the art components inside.

  • A Ledger hardware wallet is for someone who takes self-custody of their valuable digital assets and cryptocurrency very seriously and wants to ensure protection of their investment from external threats.

  • I am a paid affiliate for Ledger, but I am also a customer. I have a Ledger hardware wallet and store my crypto on it because I believe in the product and how important its utility is for our sector and customers like myself.

  • As the saying goes: “NOT YOUR KEYS, NOT YOUR CRYPTO”. Storing your cryptocurrencies in a custodial crypto wallet is like parking your car in someone else’s garage. Even though you own the car, the key to the garage is with the garage owner. If the garage owner doesn’t share his key with you, you’ll not be able to drive your car around despite owning it. This sums up the risk of putting crypto on exchange wallets. In summary, although hot wallets can be both custodial and non-custodial, making sure you control your own keys is the only way of actually “owning” your assets.

using ASPECTS OF Both wallets - HASHPACK

Let’s now explore further details and features of Hashpack that highlight the best of both aspects of hot wallets, cold wallets, and online digital asset features commonly seen in this industry sector making this wallet truly special for HBAR holders.

HashPack is the leading wallet on Hedera, with over 50,000 active users a month and hundreds of millions of dollars worth of HBAR held in user wallets. When they launched, HashPack was a simple wallet that could only display your HBAR balance, send tokens and store addresses in an address book. Then they added an NFT gallery, and the ability to trade NFTs peer to peer with Secure Trade.

One of their most critical pieces we built was HashConnect, a protocol which allows users to securely connect to dApps within the hedera ecosystem and sign transactions without exposing their private keys. This is one of the vital parts of infrastructure that jump-started the Hedera DeFi ecosystem and has since enabled NFT marketplaces, staking platforms, DEX’s and more to find success on the platform.

HashConnect is Hashpack’s answer to interoperability on Hedera. You can interact securely with Hedera dApps and Smart Contracts, using HashPack to approve transactions while keeping your private keys safe and secure.

I discuss some features below that make Hashpack truly stand out: (1) Hedera staking rewards, (2) connecting your ledger to Hashpack enabling additional cybersecurity, (3) hashpack token swaps, and (4) secure trade for NFTs.

hashpack hedera staking rewards

Hedera native staking is a process by which customers can earn rewards for participating in the Hedera network. By delegating their hbars to a node operator, customers can help to secure the Hedera network and earn rewards in return. This process is an important part of maintaining the decentralization of the Hedera network and helps to ensure that it remains secure and efficient.

Staking your HBAR tokens through HashPack is as easy as selecting the stake window on your HashPack wallet, selecting the node you would like to stake your tokens to and selecting stake your tokens.

To check if you have received your staking rewards, simply log into your account and navigate to the history tab. If you see a transaction with the memo Staking Rewards, then you can be sure that you have successfully received them!

Rewards are automatically distributed on your first transaction of the day UTC. So if you’ve made a transaction in the past 24 hours, the displayed pending rewards disappear because you have auto-claimed them.

The Hedera staking documentation provided by the network specifies that users do not have to log into their web3 wallets daily to collect their staking rewards. The rewards will be accumulated automatically every 24 hours on the stake window in your HashPack account and will be transferred to your assets window when you click on collect staking rewards.

Here is the official announcement provided by Hedera:

HashPack gathers the next reward data for your account directly from the Hedera network. If you have staked for more than 48 hours, check that you haven't automatically claimed your rewards already.

If you do not see any staking rewards but think you should have, please contact Hedera support. HashPack does not determine the available rewards and only displays what is provided by the network. An alternative way to check your staking rewards is through connecting your wallet on HashScan.

The periods for staking rewards are 24 hours, and the rewards will accumulate through periods if you don’t redeem them every day. Once you’ve selected a node your total HBAR balance is automatically staked to that node. No other tokens or assets are staked, only HBAR. You must be staked for a minimum of 24 hours (running from 00:00-00:00 UTC) in order to receive rewards.

If you unstake and change the Hedera node you were previously using to stake your HBAR tokens, you will have to wait 48 hours to start earning your staking rewards again. Hedera native staking provides a 6.5% APY on your staked tokens, and the rewards are distributed every 24 hours.

A node is a computer that connects to the DLT network. Nodes validate and relay transactions and blocks throughout the network. They are an essential part of the Hedera DLT infrastructure, ensuring the network remains decentralized and secure. In the Hedera network, nodes are run by the governing council member but eventually, anyone will be able to run one.

HashPack does not take any staking rewards or charge fees for staking. If you believe in the Hedera ecosystem you can actively take part by delegating your HBAR to a node operator in a truly decentralized manner! Hashpack just makes this process seamless and easy to do with a few clicks!

Set up your Ledger with HashPack

With HashPack you can create a new account or access an existing account on your Ledger in a few easy steps. HashPack integrates seamlessly and securely with your Ledger like no other wallet out there.

For best results please use Google Chrome on a desktop device and connect your Ledger via USB. Please note connecting your Ledger with Bluetooth on a desktop device isn't currently supported by Ledger.

I always recommend purchasing your device directly from the Ledger website. Currently, there are three devices supported; Ledger Nano X, Nano S Plus and Nano S. All devices offer the same level of industry leading security (CC EAL5+), but the Nano X has extra features such as Bluetooth connectivity. Here are some key differentiating factors of each product:

Ledger Nano X
Bluetooth and USB connection
Larger screen
Install up to 100 apps

Ledger Nano S Pus
USB connection only
Larger screen
Install up to 100 apps

Ledger Nano S
USB connection only
Smaller screen
Install up to 6 apps

You need to get the Ledger Live app to set up your new device. Ledger Live works on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android devices. Ledger Live features interactive setup instructions, simply open the app to begin. Follow the instructions to secure your device with a PIN code and carefully note down your 24-word recovery phrase. If you lose your recovery phrase, you will not be able to access your crypto.

Keep this information safe and do not share either your PIN or recovery phrase with anyone. ever. seriously. never do this.

“keep it secret, keep it safe” - gandalf (The Grey Wizard who most likely stored his middle earth crypto on a ledger to prevent sauron’s minions from hacking and scamming his bag)

Once you’ve set up your Ledger, you then need to install the Hedera (HBAR) app on your device. To do this:

  • Open Ledger Live.

  • Enter your PIN to unlock your Ledger if prompted.

  • Navigate to the Manager tab.

  • Search for Hedera in the App catalog tab.

  • Click Install.

  • The app will then be installed on your device.

At this point Ledger Live has been setup and the Hedera app is installed. Now you can integrate your Ledger device with HashPack.

You can access HashPack through their Chrome extension or browser-based wallet.

For the purposes of this section and sake of simplicity we’ll discuss this from the POV of creating a new Hedera mainnet account using Google Chrome, and connecting Ledger via USB to a desktop device.

First you’ll need to Create a Main Password. This password is securely encrypted on your device and is never transmitted over the internet.

If you’re using HashPack on multiple browsers or devices, you’ll need to create a new password and import your account on each browser or device.

Once you’ve entered a password with a minimum of 12 characters, click the checkbox to agree to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, then click Next.

Create or Import Wallet

Select Create New Wallet, then New Wallet using Ledger.

Create using Ledger

Connect your Ledger to your desktop device via USB.

Enter your PIN to unlock your Ledger and open the Hedera app, wait until you see the message Awaiting Commands.

Press Connect on HashPack.

Connect Ledger

Depending on how you've connected your Ledger you'll need to select either WebHID, WebUSB or Bluetooth.

A browser alert may appear with the message wallet.hashpack.app wants to connect. You’ll need to approve this connection before continuing.

Since you have connected Ledger via USB, select the WebUSB option on HashPack.

Create using Ledger

Make sure the Hedera app is still open on your Ledger, then press Get Public Key on HashPack.

You will receive a prompt on your Ledger to approve this action. After you've approved you'll see a Success! message on HashPack.

Click Next on HashPack to continue.

Name Your Account

Enter a nickname for your HashPack wallet. This step is optional, but may help you keep track of what the account is for.

Press Create Wallet.

Save Your Information

Save your account information, carefully note down your Account ID. You’ll use this to send, receive and pay with HBAR. You’ll also need your Account ID when importing or recovering your account.

Tick the checkbox, then press Let’s go!

Congrats you made it!

You’ve now integrated your Ledger with HashPack. You’ll need to connect your Ledger to approve transactions, however you can still view your balance and transaction history without connecting your device.

For extra help here is a list of FAQ and some troubleshooting provided by Hashpack Support:

  • How do I import an existing account with Ledger on HashPack?
    Follow the same steps as above but select Import Existing Wallet, then Import Using Ledger after creating a new password.

  • Can I add my Hedera account on Ledger Live?
    Hedera accounts aren't currently supported on Ledger Live, however Ledger have announced plans to have official support soon.

  • Using Ledger isn't fully supported on browsers such as Firefox, Safari or iOS devices. For best results please use Google Chrome on a desktop device and connect your Ledger via USB. A full list of browser and device support can be found on Ledger's GitHub Library.

  • Can I connect my Ledger Nano X to HashPack via Bluetooth?
    Yes, but only when connecting your Ledger to an Android device. Connecting your Ledger with Bluetooth on a desktop device isn't currently supported.

  • Where I can receive additional support?
    For Ledger specific advice, we'd always recommend using their official support channels. For any issues related to HashPack, please reach out to them on Discord.

hashpack token swaps

HashPack users can now swap tokens directly in wallet. Users can take advantage of Hedera’s low fees and lightning fast performance, made possible through Hashpack’s collaboration with SaucerSwap, the pioneering DEX on Hedera.

Choose your pair, select your amount, and press Swap. It’s really that easy.

Since Hashpack itself is built on the Hedera network, you’re guaranteed low, predictable fees when you use its swap feature.

Each call to SaucerSwap’s smart contracts costs a fraction of a penny, which will never change due to the way Hedera is designed.

Users will also take advantage of Hedera’s lightning fast speed, meaning your swaps will be confirmed and the tokens in your account in 3-5 seconds.

Hedera is also the most energy efficient L1 in my personal opinion. Give it a try and you’ll see why Hedera is the future of crypto DeFi. However, keep in mind that Hashpack charges a small service fee of 0.7% automatically factored into each quote, which supports the development of HashPack.

Swaps are available on all versions of HashPack

Secure Trade on HashPack

Secure Trade is a new feature on HashPack which allows for direct peer-to-peer trading and secondary sales of NFTs for both creators and collectors. Secure Trade also handles all of the royalties, fees and token association – meaning creators get fairly paid. Here is a guided list on how to use Secure Trade as a Seller on Hashpack:

  • On the main screen, click on the NFTs tab and then click on the Secure Trade button.

  • Click on the I want to send an NFT button.

  • Select or search in the Select NFT dropdown for the NFT you want to send, then press the Add to selection button. You can send a maximum of 8 NFTs in a single transaction.

  • Once you’ve selected an NFT you’ll see some information including the Name, Token ID and any related Trade Fees. If you want to remove an NFT from your selection, press the X cross icon in the top right corner of the Selected NFTs card.

  • Once you’ve selected all the NFTs you want to send, press the Next button.

  • Add the recipients Account ID in the Receiver field and the desired amount in the Price (HBAR) field.

  • You will see the Transaction Details, Deductions and Total Profits in the tables underneath.

  • HashPack charges a small 2% fee to use the Secure Trade feature.

  • Once you’re happy with the details, press the Confirm button.

  • Give the generated code to the buyer to enter into their HashPack wallet.

  • You can click the Copy Code to clipboard button, or take a screenshot and have the buyer scan the QR Code.

  • The Secure Trade Code must be used within 30 minutes or it will expire.

  • Congratulations! You’ve just sent your first Secure Trade with HashPack. Wait for the buyer to enter the code and confirm the transaction, all NFTs and fees will be transferred automatically.

final considerations & wrap up

In summary, distributed ledger technologies are an exciting and innovative human advancement that have the potential to change many lives for the better.

It has applications well beyond basic value transfer and there is a sunny future ahead of it. However, as this blog article briefly touched on, there is potential danger in new technologies as they reach maturity as it relates to external cyber threatas.

Please keep in mind that the best thing that users can do is remain vigilant for potential threats to their privacy and information.

Verify all information from untrusted sources, don't click on links from people you don't know and keep your private key/seed phrase safe.

There are no circumstances where anyone besides you needs your private key/seed phrase and anyone requesting it is likely trying to scam you.

Stay safe with your private information, always remain vigilant and remember to continuously remain cautious while performing your own due diligence when making any financial or legal decision in your personal life.

As Ledger itself points out: Web3 is all about digital freedom. But with freedom comes responsibility. So always take personal responsibility and self-accountability. Especially in this emerging industry sector that is still very much so brand new.

*** Last Updated on November 23rd, 2022 by Scott T. Beyea, Esq. ***

Disclosure: I may receive affiliate compensation for some of the links contained herein at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan. You can read our affiliate terms in our Affiliate Disclosure. This Blog does NOT contain financial or legal advice. This Blog is solely for entertainment, informational, educational, and creative purposes ONLY. Any blog article or social media post is purely my personal opinion, and is not intended to be legal advice. I am an attorney, but not your attorney. If you need legal assistance you may schedule an initial consultation with me on my website to see if we’re a good fit for each other, or you may hire an attorney in your jurisdiction.

Crypto-Native Lawyer. Digital Asset Legal Analysis. Crypto c. '18. Supports Democratizing Finance.

Scott Is A Full-Time Attorney, Blogger, and U.S. Army Veteran with vast legal and business experience.

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