11 Traits of High-Growth Achievers

1/ Never Complain

Complaining does nothing. It just wastes time and energy; Put that time and energy into improving yourself.

2/ Take Accountability

Everyone wants authority, but no one wants accountability. Own the result of your responsibilities and actions. It's easy to blame when results are bad. Adopt an “I'll figure it out” attitude. 

3/ Detail-oriented

It's true that perfection is a myth. At the same time, perfection is very subjective. But the intent to make something near to perfect is important. Details ALWAYS matter. 

4/ Luck is created

Actions create luck. Opportunities open up when you work hard. Send cold emails. Build your network. Start side projects. Best opportunities are created organically. 

5/ Good at selling

Everyone is in sales, but few do it well. Master the art of selling and negotiation. You'll be 98% better than the rest. 

6/ Growing 1% every day

When you grow 1% every day, you're growing 365% a year. Thrive to seek critical feedback and improve every day. Improving each day has a compounding effect beyond imagination. Challenge yourself and do the difficult things you “don’t want to do”. Do something that makes you uncomfortable every day, and get comfortable being uncomfortable. 

7/ Learn from failure

Never make the same mistakes twice but make a new mistake often. You learn more when you fail as compared to when you succeed. Make mistakes and learn from them.

8/ Thriving under pressure

What separates good from extraordinary is the ability to perform in high-pressure situations. Tight deadlines. Negative feedback. Tense disagreements. Take every situation as a challenge. 

9/ Execution over planning

A great plan isn't great if it's not executed.

“A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.” — George Patton

Focus on the best execution than the best plan.

10/ Time > Money

Money can be earned again, but time can't. Warren Buffet is a billionaire, but he is also 90. Billion dollars feels wonderful, but billion seconds are invaluable. 

11/ Instincts and guts

Many times you have a fraction of a second to make a decision. If you pause, time is gone. Life is sometimes this way. The ability to think on your feet is an underrated skill. The best leaders and competitors can adapt to their circumstances in the most optimal and efficient manner. 

Scott Is A Full-Time Attorney, Blogger, and U.S. Army Veteran. Join Scott HERE To Learn How To Scale Your Life At Startup Speed.

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